
(Almost) riskless interim for hire

Here’s how I structure my initial contract:

Either party can terminate at any time during the first months of our engagement, with no extra cost or notice period.

My approach is simple. I either deliver the results you want to pay for, or I don’t. Anything less leads to frustration for both of us. And let’s be honest—you won’t know how it will turn out until we start.

So what makes it (almost) riskless?

  • For you: The only risks are time and cost. It takes some effort to get started, and you’ll pay for the work done before terminating. But if it’s not working, you can cut your losses and move on.
  • For me: The risk is opportunity cost. While engaged, I can’t focus on sales or take on another client immediately. That delay matters.

And the upside?

  • For you: Your business gets back on track. You regain focus on your strengths, and your executive team operates at a higher level. The exact results depend on the scope.
  • For me: You pay a premium for a job well done.

That’s what makes working with me (almost) riskless.

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