
Bad communication is a leadership opportunity

When communication breaks down, frustration is natural.

But what if you saw it as a chance to lead? Instead of getting stuck in the frustration, use poor communication as an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

Pushing information: be the source

One of the quickest ways to lead is by sharing valuable information. Don’t wait for someone else to step up—be proactive. Push key updates to those who need them. This builds trust and positions you as a reliable source.

Pulling information: be the seeker

Leadership isn’t just about giving information. It’s also about asking for it. When you actively seek input, you show engagement and a commitment to understanding the full picture. This also helps break down barriers in poor communication environments.

Initiative expands your sphere of influence

By consistently pushing and pulling information, you increase your influence. Others will start to rely on you for clarity and guidance, strengthening your leadership profile.


Communication problems aren’t just obstacles; they’re leadership moments. By actively managing information flow, you become a key player in your organization’s communication network.

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