
Three jobs of interim COO

The "Chief" in COO

Not every visionary entrepreneur is suited to managing a company. If that’s you, you already know it and probably don’t enjoy it.

A COO steps in as a core part of your team, taking personal responsibility for managing operations and leading change. Their job is to keep everyone accountable and focused so your vision turns into reality.

The "Operator" in COO

There’s a difference between building a business and building a company. Early on, the business itself takes priority. But as you grow, the company structure becomes just as critical.

A COO ensures the company itself doesn’t become a bottleneck. Think of the company as a product the COO builds and refines all around. But prioritization is key. Fixing everything isn’t realistic or necessary.

The "Officer" in COO

A COO isn’t just an operator. They should also be a coach and facilitator. Any company development leads to change, and a skilled COO helps individuals and teams navigate it.

They guide people to focus on what matters most and ensure change sticks. Sometimes, coaching you as the founder is enough. Other times, coaching your team is necessary. And in some cases, taking full management responsibility is the only way forward.

A great COO knows what scope is needed to achieve the desired outcome.

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