Allocating resources to develop your Company Operating System is a challenge.
Spend too much, and you waste time and money. Spend too little, and organizational issues pile up. The key is finding the Zone of Sustained Growth, but that’s easier said than done. The larger your company gets, the more critical your Company OS becomes.
So what are the possible scenarios?
Wouldn’t it be great to have a perfect company where everything works flawlessly and everyone knows their place?
In theory, yes. In practice, impossible. Even trying leads to wasted time, excessive costs, and rigid structures that slow you down.
This is the other extreme—where Company OS is ignored.
Growth can blind you. Speed becomes the priority, and systems are left behind. When problems inevitably arise, survival takes over, and growth stalls. No one wants that.
The most common approach. The Company OS is built only when problems demand it. Time and money are invested just enough to fix immediate pain points.
This method keeps things running, but only for a while. It’s not ideal, yet sometimes it’s the most practical option—providing quick impact without over-investing. And it’s certainly better than neglect.
The ideal approach. Company OS is seen as a growth enabler, not an afterthought.
The right amount of time and money is allocated—not too much, not too little. Dedicated professionals, either internal or external, ensure it gets done. Since Company OS is the ultimate important but not urgent task, it won’t happen unless someone owns it.
The Zone of Sustained Growth is the goal. But sometimes, a pain-driven approach is the best short-term move. What matters is that you avoid the extremes—neglect or overenthusiasm.
At a certain point, your company will need a solid Company OS.
Right now, it may feel agile and flexible. But without the right systems in place, you’ll eventually hit a point of no return.
Be prepared.